Songs for March of the Living

“Songs for March of the Living” contains melodies touching upon the Holocaust and Israel. Most of the songs were performed by members of the March of the Living and Habonim Youth Choirs based in Toronto, Canada.   

The March of the Living brings students, Holocaust survivors, educators and distinguished leaders from all over the world to Poland to commemorate Holocaust Remembrance Day.   In Poland, their program includes visits to once-thriving sites of Jewish life and culture as well as sites of Jewish persecution and martyrdom. Then, on Holocaust Remembrance Day, the students march arm in arm with Holocaust survivors from Auschwitz to Birkenau. They are joined by thousands of other people of goodwill - of diverse backgrounds and faiths -  as they march side by side in memory of the 6 million Jewish victims of the Holocaust and in memory of all victims of Nazi genocide and against prejudice, intolerance and hate.    

From Poland, many participants travel to Israel, the birthplace and homeland of the Jewish People, where they commemorate Israel’s fallen soldiers on Yom Hazikaron and celebrate Israel’s independence on Yom Ha’atsmaut.

Album Credits:

The Habonim Youth Choir:

Jonny Ain, Danielle Bader, Jenny Bell, Megan Bochner, Dana Bookman, Rae Brager, Judy Brown, Heidi Cameron, Tara Charendoff, Michelle Cheskis, Gillian Clavier, Jesse Clavier, Anat Cole, Ilana David , Rachel David, Riva De Freitas, Benjamin Domb, Emily Gilbert Domb, Jillian Eisenberg, Adina Farkas, Amy Franklin, Sivan Gavish, Jordana Gertner, Laura Glasman, Debra Greenwood, Joshua Grossman, Jacque Ipp, Adam Karch, Darren Katz, Sarah Kay, Ian Kelk, Petra Kertesz, Paul Kugelmass, Jenny Lass, Karen Lean, Amanda Levine, Marni Levitt, Simone Levy, Dena Libman, Robyn Litman, Aaron Malkin, Alisa Minsky, Jillian Moncarz, Niole Mumford, Ilan Muskat, Viviane Oger, Stephanie Peltz, Tamara Plener, Aviva Podolsky, Ari Pollack, David Pollack, Lauren Posner, Jill Rayman, Sarah Reiss, Chana Rothman, Emma Sevitt, Tommy Sors, Stephanie Stronnell, Zoe Tarshis, Sarah Wise, Julian Wolfson, Hartley Wynberg, Naomi Zener, Alana Zinberg.

Conductor: Esther Ghan Firestone
Producer/Director: Eli Rubenstein
Engineer: Paul Daley / George Graham
Arrangers: Bill Carpenter / James Rohr
Vocal Arrangements: Esther Ghan-Firestone
Cover Photos: Rosemary Goldhar

“Songs for March of the Living” was an educational project that was created for March of the Living participants for educational purposes.

Songs for March of the Living
(Vol. III)
©1996 M2Musik (SOCAN)

“Songs for March of the Living” was made possible, in part, through generous donations given to UIA Canada by Helen and Harold Shneer and Barbara & Henry Bank (Toronto, Canada). Additional assistance came from the following individuals and organizations: Syd Kessler, David Weiss, Howard Pearl (Tribco Communications), Bob Kerr (Dynapak Music Services), March of the Living, United Israel Appeal of Canada, and Congregation Habonim Toronto.

Special thanks: Eric Saibil, Gershon Tobias, Paul & Brenda Hoffert, Lisa Catherine Cohen, Marcia Cohen, Harry Lewis, John Nebesky, Simon Bensimon, Emmanuel Bensimon, and Max Benudiz.

High Holiday Music -Habonim Choir

The Habonim Youth Choir, founded in 1988 by Cantor Esther Ghan Firestone (1925-2015) and Eli Rubenstein, has been conducted by Rabbi Cantor Aviva Rajsky since 2011. Under her leadership, the Choir has expanded to include older congregation members and performs yearly
at the Habonim High Holyday Services.

Lay Down Your Arms

Lay Down Your Arms is a peace song composed by Doron Levinson, an Israeli soldier temporarily blinded in war, written in memory of his comrades who fell in battle. The English lyrics were penned by Lisa Catherine Cohen, and the bridge was written by Harry Lewis. The song is a favourite among those whose deepest yearning is for a world without war and has been performed by children's choirs worldwide. The song was first recorded in 1992 by the Habonim Youth Choir of Toronto, conducted by Esther Ghan-Firestone and directed by Eli Rubenstein.

More From the Habonim Youth Choir

The Habonim Youth Choir is conducted by Kim Doron and Aviva Rajsky. Their performance was part of an evening featuring Jose Feliciano at a benefit event for the Canadian Friends of the Israel Guide Dog Centre the Blind held at the Toronto Centre for the Arts on May 22, 2014.

Ahavat Olam: Choir Kol Nidre 2023

Peace Salam-Shalom

On Nov. 21, 2013, "Me to We" sponsored a concert by the Kenyan Boys Choir performed at Congregation Habonim in Toronto. The Habonim Youth Choir was the opening act for the Kenyan Boys Choir.

Oh Canada & Hatikvah

The evening featured the performance of the legendary blind musician Jose Feliciano at a benefit event for the Canadian Friends of the Israel Guide Dog Centre the Blind held at the Toronto Centre for the Arts on May 22, 2014.

Havdalah by the March of the Living and Habonim Choirs conducted by Aviva Rajsky

Kristallnacht Service

Nov 10, 1990
Congregation Habonim Toronto

From Jewish Remembrance on YouTube

Opening program

Eli, Eli

Poem: A Garden

Ani Maamin

Lo Yisa Goy

Eli introducing Zog Nit Keyn Mol. The Partisan Song &
the choir singing the song


The Butterfly

Esther Introducing Rae Steurman and Rae speaking

Eli thanks everyone and introduces Hatikvah, followed by Katikvah