Canada Israel Experience Photo Contest

Thousands of Canadian students visit Israel and return with lasting memories and photos from their incredible experiences every year.

In 1998, the National Director of March of the Living Canada, Eli Rubenstein, initiated the first Canada Israel Experience photo contest. The competition ran from 1998 to 2006 and was sponsored by EL AL Israel Airlines, ROOTS Canada, the Canadian Jewish News, Canada Israel Experience, and UIA Federations Canada.

Most of the winning photos came from student participants on the Birthright Israel trips from Canada and the Canadian March of the Living program to Poland and Israel, both organized by Canada Israel Experience. Canada Israel Experience and its staff member Justin Korda implemented the contest.

First-place winners received a free trip to Israel courtesy of EL AL Israel Airlines. A selection of winning images was published in the Canadian Jewish News. Many Canadian students travelling to Israel with Canada Israel Experience received free Roots T-shirts.

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